Install Arc Flatabulous Theme on Solus OS

Solus OS is a beautiful Linux desktop out of the box. I mean, we don't have to do any tweak to make Solus OS beautiful because its already come with beautiful look. But as usual, I will apply my favorite Arc-Flatabulous GTK theme on this Solus OS. The installation take a while because I need to install some additional packages which is not mentioned on the official page of Arc-Flatabulous

This small make over turned my Solus OS more handy, and more eye catching. If you are interested to install this Arc-Flatabulous theme on Solus OS, follow these steps:

Step 1. Install some required packages

Open Terminal and paste the following command
sudo eopkg install m4 make libgtk-3-devel git autoconf automake

Step 2. Download Arc-Flatabulous package via git

git clone && cd arc-flatabulous-theme

Step 3. Build and Install

./ --prefix=/usr
sudo make install
Once finished, you can change the GTK theme using Gnome Tweak Tool. Install it if you don't have it already.
sudo eopkg install gnome-tweak-tool


Esse sistema é muito bonito, estou impressionado, e olha que já testei muitos linux esse me agradou bastante.
eu também quase nunca comento mais esse sistema merece crescer.
