Gnome Tweak Tool 3.20 on Solus OS

Gnome Tweak Tool is a must have application for Solus OS users. This tool is very helpful to configure Solus OS desktop. We can change GTK theme, icon theme, wallpaper and many other settings via Gnome Tweak Tool.

gnome tweak tool on solus

See how Gnome Tweak Tool 3.2.0 performs on Solus OS 1.2.1

tweak tool on solus os

Gnome Tweak Tool 3.20 is available for Solus OS 1.2.1 repository. Actually, Gnome Tweak Tool is designed for Gnome desktop environment. But it supports Budgie (based on Gnome) as well.

Install Gnome Tweak Tool on Solus OS 1.2.1

Open Solus Software Center and type “tweak tool”. You should see Gnome Tweak Tool listed there.

install gnome tweak tool solus

Click Gnome Tweak Tool and Press install to start the installation.

How to install Google Chrome on Solus 1.2.1

This tutorial will guide you to install Google Chrome on Solus 1.2.1. When I wrote this post, Google Chrome version 49.0 is available. Installing Google Chrome on Solus is very easy because the official sofware manager provided the third party software installation and Google Chrome is listed there together with Spotify, Opera etc. 

One thing that makes me a bit uncomfortable with Solus OS is when we install from third party, it takes very long time. So prepare your self because installing Google Chrome on Solus will take a long time. 

Steps to install Google Chrome on Solus OS 1.21

Open Software Center
Go to Third Party section and press Install button next to Google Chrome. Its that easy. The download and installation process will continue. When finished, you can start using Google Chrome on Solus OS. 

Solus OS Screenshots

The new version of Solus OS is now available for download. This new Solus OS comes with many improvements and software update. Budgie Desktop is now upgraded to the latest version which is more stable. Here we have some screenshots of this new Solus OS

Solus OS Login Screen
Solus OS Desktop
New features and updates in Solus
  • Battery icon refresh issues were solved
  • We resolved an issue where the keyboard layout would revert to the default guessed layout for the locale on login
  • We switched to gnome-screensaver for screen locking and power management

  • Issues using Solus and the installation media on some hardware configurations, such as NVIDIA Maxwell cards and Intel Skylake processors.
  • We solved an issue whereby the installer might hang scanning disks.

  • We delivered an updated GNOME 3.20 Stack, Pulseaudio 9, as well as Mesa 12. Additionally, we shipped with GCC 6.1.0, glibc 2.24, and the latest stable kernel 4.7.2.


I created this blog specially for anyone who wants to learn and use Solus OS. And what is Solus OS? Solus OS is one of the popular Linux distribution which offers a brand new experiences to any Linux fans. Its features many interesting features such as simple and lightweight desktop. Solus OS comes with Budgie Desktop that is stable and beautiful. 

To get started, you may wants to download Solus OS from the following link. I will update my posts here in this blog so anyone can learn more about Solus OS. 

